Use HTML color picker to find your HTML color code Below is an HTML color code picker script that resembles the Adobe Photoshop color picker. Using this online tool you can select the color you want to use in your web page or blog. Your browser must have JavaScript enabled in order to use this tool, if enabled use the middle multi-color scroll bar to scroll up or down to the color you want. If you want to select the shade of color, click the shade you want in the large shade box. Finally, the color code will appear in the bottom-right corner # box. If you want to keep that color, click the text boxes below the color picker and then select the color and then click the alternate box to begin with a new color. color | See the HTML color codes page for a full listing of color codes and additional information about using them in your web page. >
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When you’re adding a color to your web page with HTML, sometimes you can just type in the name of the color. But more often than not, you’ll need to use what’s called the hex code, which is something that the browser will be able to understand. Choose a color from the list below and look to its left to get the hex code. If we wanted our background to be red, for example, we’d typebgcolor=”#FF0000″. Try it out!


Hex Code Color

Hex CodeColor
Hex CodeColor

Hex CodeColor
Hex CodeColor

Hex CodeColor
#006600Dark Green
#0000CCMed. Blue
#000099Dark Blue

Major hexadecimal color codes

ColorColor CodeColorColor Code
Dark Blue#0000A0Black#000000
Light Purple#FF0080Orange#FFA500

Color code chart

Tip Use our HTML color picker if you need to choose from an almost infinite variety of colors. Also, if you like a color scheme of a web page view Tip142 for a fantastic tool that can be used to gather that page's color codes.

Slate Gray4#616D7ESlate Gray4
Slate Gray#657383Slate Gray
Light Steel Blue4#646D7ELight Steel Blue4
Light Slate Gray#6D7B8DLight Slate Gray
Cadet Blue4#4C787ECadet Blue4
Dark Slate Gray4#4C7D7EDark Slate Gray4
Medium Slate Blue#5E5A80Medium Slate Blue
Medium Purple4#4E387EMedium Purple4
Midnight Blue#151B54Midnight Blue
Dark Slate Blue#2B3856Dark Slate Blue
Dark Slate Gray#25383CDark Slate Gray
Dim Gray#463E41Dim Gray
Cornflower Blue#151B8DCornflower Blue
Royal Blue4#15317ERoyal Blue4
Slate Blue4#342D7ESlate Blue4
Royal Blue#2B60DERoyal Blue
Royal Blue1#306EFFRoyal Blue1
Royal Blue2#2B65ECRoyal Blue2
Royal Blue3#2554C7Royal Blue3
Deep Sky Blue#3BB9FFDeep Sky Blue
Deep Sky Blue2#38ACECDeep Sky Blue2
Slate Blue#357EC7Slate Blue
Deep Sky Blue3#3090C7Deep Sky Blue3
Deep Sky Blue4#25587EDeep Sky Blue4
Dodger Blue#1589FFDodger Blue
Dodger Blue2#157DECDodger Blue2
Dodger Blue3#1569C7Dodger Blue3
Dodger Blue4#153E7EDodger Blue4
Steel Blue4#2B547ESteel Blue4
Steel Blue#4863A0Steel Blue
Slate Blue2#6960ECSlate Blue2
Medium Purple3#7A5DC7Medium Purple3
Medium Purple#8467D7Medium Purple
Medium Purple2#9172ECMedium Purple2
Medium Purple1#9E7BFFMedium Purple1
Light Steel Blue#728FCELight Steel Blue
Steel Blue3#488AC7Steel Blue3
Steel Blue2#56A5ECSteel Blue2
Steel Blue1#5CB3FFSteel Blue1
Sky Blue3#659EC7Sky Blue3
Sky Blue4#41627ESky Blue4
Slate Blue#737CA1Slate Blue
Slate Blue#737CA1Slate Blue
Slate Gray3#98AFC7Slate Gray3
Violet Red#F6358AViolet Red
Violet Red1#F6358AViolet Red1
Violet Red2#E4317FViolet Red2
Deep Pink#F52887Deep Pink
Deep Pink2#E4287CDeep Pink2
Deep Pink3#C12267Deep Pink3
Deep Pink4#7D053FDeep Pink4
Medium Violet Red#CA226BMedium Violet Red
Violet Red3#C12869Violet Red3
Violet Red4#7D0541Violet Red4
Medium Orchid#B048B5Medium Orchid
Medium Orchid1#D462FFMedium Orchid1
Medium Orchid2#C45AECMedium Orchid2
Medium Orchid3#A74AC7Medium Orchid3
Medium Orchid4#6A287EMedium Orchid4
Dark Orchid4#571B7eDark Orchid4
Dark Orchid#7D1B7EDark Orchid
Dark Violet#842DCEDark Violet
Dark Orchid3#8B31C7Dark Orchid3
Dark Orchid2#A23BECDark Orchid2
Dark Orchid1#B041FFDark Orchid1
Pale Violet Red#D16587Pale Violet Red
Pale Violet Red1#F778A1Pale Violet Red1
Pale Violet Red2#E56E94Pale Violet Red2
Pale Violet Red3#C25A7CPale Violet Red3
Pale Violet Red4#7E354DPale Violet Red4
Lavender Blush2#EBDDE2Lavender Blush2
Lavender Blush3#C8BBBELavender Blush3
Lavender Blush#FDEEF4Lavender Blush
Light Steel Blue1#C6DEFFLight Steel Blue1
Light Blue#ADDFFFLight Blue
Light Blue1#BDEDFFLight Blue1
Light Cyan#E0FFFFLight Cyan
Slate Gray1#C2DFFFSlate Gray1
Slate Gray2#B4CFECSlate Gray2
Light Steel Blue2#B7CEECLight Steel Blue2
Medium Turquoise#48CCCDMedium Turquoise
Dark Slate Gray1#9AFEFFDark Slate Gray1
Dark Slate Gray2#8EEBECDark slate Gray2
Dark Slate Gray3#78c7c7Dark Slate Gray3
Cadet Blue3#77BFC7Cadet Blue3
Pale Turquoise3#92C7C7Pale Turquoise3
Light Blue2#AFDCECLight Blue2
Dark Turquoise#3B9C9CDark Turquoise
Light Sea Green#3EA99FLight Sea Green
Light Sky Blue#82CAFALight Sky Blue
Light Sky Blue2#A0CFECLight Sky Blue2
Light Sky Blue3#87AFC7Light Sky Blue3
Sky Blue#82CAFFSky Blue
Sky Blue2#79BAECSky Blue2
Light Sky Blue4#566D7ELight Sky Blue4
Sky Blue#6698FFSky Blue
Light Slate Blue#736AFFLight Slate Blue
Light Cyan2#CFECECLight Cyan2
Light Cyan3#AFC7C7Light Cyan3
Light Cyan4#717D7DLight Cyan4
Light Blue3#95B9C7Light Blue3
Light Blue4#5E767ELight Blue4
Pale Turquoise4#5E7D7EPale Turquoise4
Dark Sea Green4#617C58Dark Sea Green4
Medium Aquamarine#348781Medium Aquamarine
Medium Sea Green#306754Medium Sea Green
Sea Green#4E8975Sea Green
Dark Green#254117Dark Green
Sea Green4#387C44Sea Green4
Forest Green#4E9258Forest Green
Medium Forest Green#347235Medium Forest Green
Spring Green4#347C2CSpring Green4
Dark Olive Green4#667C26Dark Olive Green4
Medium Spring Green#348017Medium Spring Green
Spring Green#4AA02CSpring Green
Lime Green#41A317Lime Green
Spring Green#4AA02CSpring Green
Dark Sea Green#8BB381Dark Sea Green
Dark Sea Green3#99C68EDark Sea Green3
Yellow Green#52D017Yellow Green
Spring Green3#4CC552Spring Green3
Sea Green3#54C571Sea Green3
Spring Green2#57E964Spring Green2
Spring Green1#5EFB6ESpring Green1
Sea Green2#64E986Sea Green2
Sea Green1#6AFB92Sea Green1
Dark Sea Green2#B5EAAADark Sea Green2
Dark Sea Green1#C3FDB8Dark Sea Green1
Lawn Green#87F717Lawn Green
Green Yellow#B1FB17Green Yellow
Dark Olive Green1#CCFB5DDark Olive Green1
Dark Olive Green2#BCE954Dark Olive Green2
Dark Olive Green3#A0C544Dark Olive Green3
Dark Goldenrod#AF7817Dark Goldenrod
Dark Goldenrod1#FBB117Dark Goldenrod1
Dark Goldenrod2#E8A317Dark Goldenrod2
Dark Goldenrod3#C58917Dark Goldenrod3
Dark Orange#F88017Dark Orange
Dark Orange1#F87217Dark Orange1
Dark Orange2#E56717Dark Orange2
Dark Orange3#C35617Dark Orange3
Indian Red4#7E2217Indian Red4
Dark Orange3#7E3117Dark Orange3
Dark Goldenrod4#7F5217Dark Goldenrod4
Light Salmon4#7F462CLight Salmon4
Dark Salmon#E18B6BDark Salmon
Salmon1#F88158Pale Turquoise4
Light Salmon3#C47451Light Salmon3
Light Salmon2#E78A61Light Salmon2
Light Salmon#F9966BLight Salmon
Sandy Brown#EE9A4DSandy Brown
Hot Pink#F660ABHot Pink
Hot Pink1#F665ABHot Pink1
Hot Pink2#E45E9DHot Pink2
Hot Pink3#C25283Hot Pink3
Hot Pink4#7D2252Hot Pink4
Light Coral#E77471Light Coral
Indian Red1#F75D59Indian Red1
Indian Red2#E55451Indian Red2
Indian Red3#C24641Indian Red3
Rosy Brown1#FBBBB9Rosy Brown1
Rosy Brown2#E8ADAARosy Brown2
Light Pink#FAAFBALight Pink
Light Pink1#F9A7B0Light Pink1
Light Pink2#E799A3Light Pink2
Rosy Brown3#C5908ERosy Brown3
Rosy Brown#B38481Rosy Brown
Light Pink3#C48189Light Pink3
Rosy Brown4#7F5A58Rosy Brown4
Light Pink4#7F4E52Light Pink4
Lavender Blush4#817679Lavender Blush4
Light Goldenrod4#817339Light Goldenrod4
Lemon Chiffon4#827B60Lemon Chiffon4
Lemon Chiffon3#C9C299Lemon Chiffon3
Light Goldenrod3#C8B560Light Goldenrod3
Light Golden2#ECD672Light Golden2
Light Goldenrod#ECD872Light Goldenrod
Light Goldenrod1#FFE87CLight Goldenrod1
Lemon Chiffon2#ECE5B6Lemon Chiffon2
Lemon Chiffon#FFF8C6Lemon Chiffon
Light Goldenrod Yellow#FAF8CCLight Goldenrod Yellow

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code color


Computer fontsA graphical representation of text that may include a different typeface, point size, weight, or design. In the picture to the right, are some examples of different computer fonts.
Users who're using Microsoft Windows can find all of the fonts installed on their computer by browsing to the C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\Winnt\Fonts directory. A listing of other font related questions are also found below.


Term used when describing software or a software feature that may still work but should be avoided when developing as it may be removed in the future and no longer work. For example, the <font>HTML tag is a deprecated feature and should be avoided.

Meta tags

Tags within HTML that help define the contents of a web page. Meta tags help Internet search engines and browser display search results and web pages more appropriately.
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
Identify the content type and charset of the web page being displayed and how to display it. Although this line can be specified in a meta tag if you have access to the .htacess file define the charset in that file instead so it doesn't have to be specified in every web page.
<meta http-equiv="Computer Hope" content="no-cache">
Indicate to the browser being used to not cache the page. This will make sure the latest information is displayed to the visitor. It is only recommended that this tag be used on a page that is frequently updated since it will decrease the time it takes to load the page.
<meta name="audience" content="all">
Used with parental control software and robots to know the ages of viewers that can visit the page.
<meta name="author" content="">
Description of the author of the page.
<meta name="Content-Language" content="english">
Language the page is written in, in this case English.
<meta name="description" content="Helping you with ALL your computer questions">
One of the most important meta tags, this describes what the page contains. This is one of the many things used by search engines to help classify and rank your page.
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
The software used to generate the web page.
<meta name="keywords" content="computer, technical, free, help, support">
Keywords separated by commas that help describe what the page contains. Because of abuse, many search engines, including Google no longer look at the keywords.
<meta name="page-topic" content="Free Computer help">
Topic of the page, used by some search engines. Not all pages need this.
<meta name="page-type" content="Technical Support">
The page, used by some search engines. Not all pages need this.
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
Program used to edit the file. Similar to the generator.
<meta name="publisher" content="">
Publisher of the web page.
<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 days">
Notice to web robots indexing the page when to revisit next.
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="Index, ALL">
Notice to web robots what pages to index. It is still recommended that the robots.txt file be used.
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="Index, FOLLOW">
Notice to web robots what action to take on the page, in this case follow all links on the page.


Style of font that slants the letters evenly to the right. This text should be in italics.
Create italic text in HTML
<i>This text should be in italics</i>
Creating italicized text in a word processor such as Microsoft Word
  1. Highlight the text you want to be italic.
  2. Click the I button, which is often in-between the B and U for bold and underline.
TipThe shortcut key to make text italic is almost always Ctrl + i.
Also see: BoldFontObliqueSlantUnderline


Computer monitor resolution1. The image quality of a printer or monitor. With monitors, the resolution is measured by the number of pixels horizontal by pixels vertically or in this example 640 x 480. When increasing the resolution, the values increase, the image becomes more crisp, and text and images become smaller because more pixels per-inch are being displayed.
As the resolution is increased the requirements required by your monitor and video card also increase. With older computers and hardware many higher resolutions are not supported.


1. A unit of temperature. For example, a computer case monitor may display the temperature of a case being 92°.
2. Diploma awarded in the United States Colleges and Universities that are given to students upon the completion of their objectives. These objectives vary on the difficulty, minor, length, and the College or University. Associates degree, Bachelor degree, Masters degree and PhD degree are all examples of the degrees that may be awarded.


Protection for any published work that helps to prevent that work from being used without prior authorization. A copyright may be indicated by the word "Copyright", or a C surrounded by a circle ( © ), followed by the date of when the work was published, and finally the author of the work. When work is copyrighted, it may not be reproduced in any fashion unless the owner of the work grants proper rights. Computer Hope is not meant to be used as legal representation and how a copyright is interpreted could vary, if you have additional questions or concerns about legalities you should consult an authorized legal consultant or attorney.
Example of a copyright:
Copyright © 2011 Computer Hope ® All rights reserved.
A copyright for Computer Hope can be found at the bottom of each of our pages. Clicking the Copyright will link you to our legal page that contains additional legal information relating to Computer Hope and our copyrights.


Alternatively referred to as a fixed space or hard spaceNBSP is short for Non-Breaking SPace and is used in programming, HTML, and word processing to create a space in a line that cannot be broken by word wrap on in the case of HTML create multiple spaces.
Creating a fixed space in a word processor
To create a fixed or hard space in a word process such as Microsoft Office or Open office use one of the below keyboard shortcuts.
Windows users: CTRL + ALT + SPACE, CTRL + SPACE, or hold down ALT and press 0160 on the num pad.
Apple users: OPTION + SPACE
Creating a NBSP in HTML
An example of how a user may insert a NBSP in HTML would be by adding the below extended HTML tag.
In the above examples using this tag would allow you to create multiple spaces in a row, something that cannot be done by only pressing the space bar. To do this you would have to type one of the above tags multiple times for the amount of spaces you needed.


1. A "V"- or ">"-like marking. Many software programs have severalchevron-like markings that enable the user to expand a menu or view other options that may not currently be visible. For example, MicrosoftWindows users may notice that their menus have two down arrows at the bottom of their menu to display any menu option that has not been used recently. Below is an example of a chevron in the Microsoft Window XP Systray (two small arrows pointing to the left). Also See the menu definition for another visual example of a chevron.
Chevron on Windows Taskbar
2. These markings are also referred to as a guillemetangled quotes,fast forward, and rewind and are displayed as either " « " or " » ".

En dash

En dashA dash smaller than an em dash but usually longer than a regular hyphen, the en dash is often used in place of the word "to" such as 10–5 p.m.


Disebut sebagai wizz-e rambut palsu , WYSIWG pendek untuk Apa yang anda lihat Apakah What You Get dan istilah yang dicipta oleh Charles Simonyi pada tahun 1974 untuk menggambarkan keupayaan dapat memaparkan fail atau dokumen yang betul-betul bagaimana ia akan dicetak atau dilihat.
Nota: Sesetengah pengguna boleh mengelirukan WYSIWYG dengan WYS1WYG. Ini adalah misspelling biasa WYSIWYG; I (i) tidak 1 (satu).

How do I view the source code of a web page?


How do I view the source code of a web page?


All Internet browsers allow users to view the HTML or other source code of any of the web pages they visit. For example, a user can easily view the code used to generate this page by following the below examples. Below is a listing of some of the different major browsers and how to view the source code in each of those browsers.
When viewing the source code of a web page it is important that you keep in mind that only information and code that is not processed by the server will be displayed in the source code. For example, almost all Internet search engines process information on the server and then display the results on a web page. This means you can view the code used to generate the results page but you cannot view the search engine's source code.
This rule applies to all server side scripts, SSI, and code. Therefore, features such as search engines, forums, polls, chat, etc. will not display their code, and copying the information from the source code will likely only cause errors or direct you back to page you copied the information from.
Microsoft Internet Explorer users
To view the source code of a web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer, follow the below steps.
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click View
  3. From the drop-down-menu click "Source"
Once the above steps have been completed a new window will open displaying the source code.
Mozilla Firefox and Netscape users
To view the source code of a web page in Mozilla Firefox or Netscape, follow the below steps.
  1. Open Mozilla Firefox or Netscape
  2. Click View
  3. From the drop-down-menu click "Page Source"
  1. Press CTRL+U
Once the above steps have been completed a new window will open displaying the source code.
Tip In Firefox you can highlight the portion of a web page you want to view the source code of and then right-click that highlighted section and click View Selection Source.
Tip Use the Firebug add-on to not only view the source code of a page but change and view those changes live through the browser.
Opera users
To view the source code of a web page in Opera, follow the below steps.
  1. Open Opera
  2. Click View
  3. From the drop-down-menu click "Source"
  1. Press CTRL+F3
Once the above steps have been completed a new window will open displaying the source code.

How can I check my web page for errors?


How can I check my web page for errors?


There are dozens of services available that are capable of checking your website for errors and finding ways of improving your web page. Below is a listing of some of our favorite free online services.
General website / HTML checks
  • Silktide Nibbler - Fantastic free online service that gives you a good complete overview of your website with an overall score.
  • Feng-GUI - Great service that allows you to upload a picture of your home page or other pages and generate a heat map of where the visitor's eyes are most likely to go first.
  • W3C markup validation - The source to go to check HTML, XHTML or other markup language you use on your web page for errors.
  • Google Webmaster Tools - A must for any Webmaster. With this free service you can quickly identify any page or links with errors, scan for malware, find pages with short or missing titles, find duplicate meta tags, and much more.
  • IE NetRender - Great online service that allows you to easily see how your page is displayed in different versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is really helpful if you need to test your web page in an older browser such as IE6, which had a lot of compatibility and other issues with CSS.
  • HTML Tidy - Simple and easy to use online tool that allows you to quickly identify any HTML errors you may have on your page.
CSS checking
  • W3C CSS validation service - Fantastic service that will display any issues errors or compliance warnings you have with any CSS code.
  • CSS Compressor - Although not a service to validate for errors this is a great tool to use after your CSS code has been verified. Using this tool you can shrink your CSS file to help the overall load time of every page that links to the .CSS file and decrease the overall amount of bandwidth you use.
Speed test
  • WebPagetest - Our favorite tool for testing a web pages load time.
  • Pingdom Tools - Fantastic service that gives you a good and easy to read overview of how long it takes for something to load on your web page. Keep in mind most web site visitors only spend a few seconds on each page they visit.
  • WebSiteOptimization - Another great service to find how much time it takes to load your web page and what you can do to help decrease the overall time it takes to load it.
  • Web Page Content Compression Verification - Great tool to quickly test an individual page or element on the page (such as a .CSS or .JS file) to see if it's being compressed before being sent using gzip.
  • Browsershots - Excellent online tool to quickly test how accessible your web page is in all of the Internet browsers.
  • Colorblind filter - Fantastic page to see how your page would look to someone who has colorblindness. This is an easy way to make sure that someone with colorblindness whose visiting your site is not going to miss something because your color scheme is bad.
  • HERA - Great page to quickly verify if everyone regardless of any disability can view your page they may have.
  • html2txt - A great method of converting your HTML page into a text document. This is helpful because many accessibility tools for the blind will convert pages to text, using this tool you can get a good idea how someone who's blind may read your page.
  • mobiReady - By far the best site and service for checking how compatible your website or blog is when being viewed on a mobile device. This service not only gives you detailed information on why your website may or may not work but also gives live demos on how the page will load on different mobile devices.
  • Google Analytics - Fantastic free service offered by Google that gives you full details of the visitors visiting your website, what browsers they're using, where they're leaving, what they searched for, and much more. After making sure your website has no errors having this services is always a good idea to help identify any other problems the above services may have not identified.
Checking a Blog
If your page is a blog consider running it through Is My Blog Working? to check to see if the blog is working and get other technical details about it. This can give you additional details about your page as well as anything you may want to change or add to the page.
Having friends, family, and co-workers viewing your website is a great way to make sure your website not only works but works on different computers. Other services like fivesecondtest is also another great free way of testing the overall appeal of your site.


1. Short for Cascading Style SheetCSS is a specification first completed in 1996 by W3C that enables a web developer to create a look and feel for his or her page. For example, CSS may define how each of the pages look by defining the fonts used, colors, table borders, etc within a .css file. The CSS file could then be loaded onto any web page and if the developer ever wanted to change the look or feel of their pages could change the CSS file instead of editing each page. Below is a basic example of CSS code that could be stored in a .css file, in this example the CSS code is defining the fonts to be used in the page, the color of the links, color of the visited links, and color of the links when the mouse is over the link.
body {
font: normal 100% "trebuchet ms", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
a {
color: #000000;
A:visited {
color: #005177;
a:hover {
color: #005177;
The above CSS code can be inserted into the <HEAD></HEAD> section of the HTML on a page using the below code or can be stored in a separate CSS file and called with <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="URL or path to css file here">
<style type "text/css">
above code inserted here-->
2. Short for Content Scramble SystemCSS is a protection scheme used to help protect copyrighted material store don DVD's from being copied.


Short for World Wide Web Consortium, W3C is an organization founded by Tim Bernes-Lee in 1994 to help with the development of common protocols for the evolution of the World Wide Web.

How do I indent text on my web page or in HTML?


How do I indent text on my web page or in HTML?


There are several different methods of indenting text. However, for compatibility between multiple browsers and accessibility we will only be listing the most popular methods of indenting text on your web page.
Recommended method
For indenting text or a paragraph, the most commonly recommended method would be to use CSS. Below are different examples of how CSS can be used to indent text. Each of these examples below would be placed in-between your <head></head> HTML tags.
The example below would create a style class named "tab" that would indent the text and paragraph 40 pixels from the left.
.tab { margin-left: 40px; }
Once the above code is in-between your <head> tags you can use it at any point by adding it to your paragraph (<p>) tags as shown below.
<p class="tab">This is a tab</p>
If you plan on using this CSS on multiple pages we'd recommend that you create a .css file and link to that .css file on each of your pages instead of adding the above code to all of your pages. To do this add the line below in-between your <head> tags and create the .css file you're linking to, in the example below we've named our .css file "basic."
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
Once this .css file has been created edit the file and add the same .css code, excluding the <style> and comment tags into it as shown below.
.tab { margin-left: 40px; }
Finally, once the above steps have been completed, you can tab any text using the same <p class="tab"> example we showed above.
In addition to indenting a whole paragraph of text, other forms of indenting can also be done. For example, if you wanted to only indent the first line of a paragraph instead of using the above CSS line, you would use the line below.
.tab { text-indent:40px }
Alternative solution
Another commonly used method of indenting text is using the <blockquote> tags as shown in the below example. Although this is a much easier solution and a solution most people still use, there are a lot of accessibility issues that can be caused by using this solution to indent your text. This tag is meant for quoting text and not for indenting.
<blockquote>This text would be indented</blockquote>

Extended special HTML characters and codes

About extended special HTML characters and how to apply
In order to insert some characters in HTML a special code known as extended HTML must be added to the code. If these codes are not used properly you'll often get a box, other text garbage, or your page will not be displayed properly because the browser does not properly understand the character. Most users first encounter this problem when attempting to add characters such as " & ", " " ", " > ", and " < ."
In the case of the less than and greater than these characters cannot be used in your HTML code because the HTML markup is generated using these characters. Using these characters instead of the extended HTML causes the web page to not load properly.
To properly insert a "<" or ">" or any extended HTML into your HTML instead of using these characters on your keyboard type the HTML extended code. For the less than ( < ) as shown in the below chart it's "&lt;" for the greater than ( > ) it's "&gt;" all extended HTML code begins with an ampersand (&) and is followed by a semicolon ( ; ). In addition to using the HTML code that is often easier to remember using the ISO code also works.
Finally, if you're using a WYSIWYG HTML editor make sure you're inserting these codes into the HTML code and not the page layout.
List of extended special HTML characters and code
PunctuationHTMLISO codeName or meaning
&ndash;&#8211;En dash
&mdash;&#8212;Em dash
¡&iexcl;&#161;Inverted exclamation
¿&iquest;&#191;Inverted question mark
"&quot;&#34;Quotation mark
«&laquo;&#171;Angled quotes / guillemet
»&raquo;&#187;Angled quotes / guillemet
&nbsp;&#160;Non-breaking space
>&gt;&#62;Greater than
<&lt;&#60;Less than
·&middot;&#183;Middle dot
&para;&#182;Pilcrow (paragraph sign)
£&pound;&#163;British Pound Sterling
¥&yen;&#165;Japanese Yen
´&#180;Acute accent with no letter grave
`&#96;Accent/reversed apostrophe with no letter
á&aacute;&#225;Lowercase "a" with acute accent
Á&Aacute;&#193;Uppercase "A" with acute accent
à&agrave;&#224;Lowercase "a" with grave accent
À&Agrave;&#192;Uppercase "A" with grave accent
â&acirc;&#226;Lowercase "a" with circumflex
Â&Acirc;&#194;Uppercase "A" with circumflex
å&aring;&#229;Lowercase "a" with ring
Å&Aring;&#197;Uppercase "A" with ring
ã&atilde;&#227;Lowercase "a" with tilde
Ã&Atilde;&#195;Uppercase "A" with tilde
ä&auml;&#228;Lowercase "a" with diaeresis/umlaut
Ä&Auml;&#196;Uppercase "A" with diaeresis/umlaut
æ&aelig;&#230;Lowercase "ae" ligature
Æ&AElig;&#198;Uppercase "AE" ligature
ç&ccedil;&#231;Lowercase "c" with cedilla
Ç&Ccedil;&#199;Uppercase "C" with cedilla
é&eacute;&#233;Lowercase "e" with acute accent
É&Eacute;&#201;Uppercase "E" with acute accent
è&egrave;&#232;Lowercase "e" with grave accent
È&Egrave;&#200;Uppercase "E" with grave accent
ê&ecirc;&#234;Lowercase "e" with circumflex
Ê&Ecirc;&#202;Uppercase "E" with circumflex
ë&euml;&#235;Lowercase "e" with diaeresis/umlaut
Ë&Euml;&#203;Uppercase "E" with diaeresis/umlaut
í&iacute;&#237;Lowercase "i" with acute accent
Í&Iacute;&#205;Uppercase "I" with acute accent
ì&igrave;&#236;Lowercase "i" with grave accent
ì&Igrave;&#204;Uppercase "I" with grave accent
î&icirc;&#238;Lowercase "i" with circumflex
Î&Icirc;&#206;Uppercase "I" with circumflex
ï&iuml;&#239;Lowercase "i" with diaeresis/umlaut
Ï&Iuml;&#207;Uppercase "I" with diaeresis/umlaut
ñ&ntilde;&#241;Lowercase "n" with tilde
Ñ&Ntilde;&#209;Uppercase "N" with tilde
ó&oacute;&#243;Lowercase "o" with acute accent
Ó&Oacute;&#211;Uppercase "O" with acute accent
ò&ograve;&#242;Lowercase "o" with grave accent
Ò&Ograve;&#210;Uppercase "O" with grave accent
ô&ocirc;&#244;Lowercase "o" with circumflex
Ô&Ocirc;&#212;Uppercase "O" with circumflex
ø&oslash;&#248;Lowercase "o" with slash
Ø&Oslash;&#216;Uppercase "O" with slash
õ&otilde;&#245;Lowercase "o" with tilde
Õ&Otilde;&#213;Uppercase "O" with tilde
ö&ouml;&#246;Lowercase "o" with diaeresis/umlaut
Ö&Ouml;&#214;Uppercase "O" with diaeresis/umlaut
ú&uacute;&#250;Lowercase "u" with acute accent
Ú&Uacute;&#218;Uppercase "U" with acute accent
ù&ugrave;&#249;Lowercase "u" with grave accent
Ù&Ugrave;&#217;Uppercase "U" with grave accent
û&ucirc;&#251;Lowercase "u" with circumflex
Û&Ucirc;&#219;Uppercase "U" with circumflex
ü&uuml;&#252;Lowercase "u" with diaeresis/umlaut
Ü&Uuml;&#220;Uppercase "U" with diaeresis/umlaut
ÿ&yuml;&#255;Lowercase "y" with diaeresis/umlaut



Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language and is a language used to create electronic documents, especially pages on the World Wide Web, that contain connections called hyperlinks to other pages. Every web page you see on the Internet, including this one contains HTML code that helps format and show text and images in an easy to read format. Below is an example of a basic web page in HTML code.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html lang="en"><head>
<title>Example page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is an example of a basic HTML page.</p>
In the very basic above example are the key parts to every web page. The first DOCTYPE line describes what encoding the page uses. For most pages, unless they are using XML this line will work. Next, the HTML tag begins letting the browser know that HTML code is being used until it is terminated at the end of the page. Next, the head section contains header information about the page, which will almost always contain the title of the page and the meta tags. Finally, the body section is all content that is viewable on the browser. For example, all the text you see here is contained within the body tags.

Choose your own background color

Choose your own background color
Example 1:
C h o o s e your o w n b a c k g r o u n d color!

Example 2:

Change the background color: 

For source code on both of these examples, see the cool HTML tricks page.